Упражнение 4.

1. There is a book on the shelf. 2. Is there a book on the shelf? — Yes, there is. 3. There are flowers in the vase. 4. Are there any flowers in the vase? — Yes, there are. 5. There are no magazines under the ta­ble. 6. Are there any magazines under the table? — No, there are not. 7. There was a fridge between the stove and the sink. 8. There were some chairs near the window. 9. Some chairs were around the table. 10. There are many words in this sentence. 11. There are some forks among spoons and knives. 12. Some cups are in the cupboard. 13. Are any cups in the cupboard? — Yes, they are. 14. There is a lamp above the table. 15. There is an armchair in front of the TV-set. 16. The armchair is in front of the TV-set. 17. The boy's player is near the tape-recorder. 18. The writer's flat is in this building. 19. The children's carpet is on the floor in the middle of the room. 20. The sisters' bookcase is behind the curtains.


Упражнение 5.

Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения

1. На подоконнике — много цветов. 2. Посередине комнаты — стол. 3. Около кресла — пылесос. 4. Над раковиной — два крана. 5. В комнате — две двери. 6. Вокруг стола — много стульев. 7. Стиральная машина — перед умывальником. 8. На окнах — што­ры. 9. В тексте — несколько абзацев. 10. В этом слове — много букв. 11. У меня есть проигрыватель моей бабушки. 12. Около магнитофона был диск. 13. У сына моего брата был плейер. 14. Муж моей сестры — в той комнате. 15. Квартира моей бабушки — в том здании. 16. У меня есть сочинение его сестры. 17. На кухне был посудный шкаф. 18.В посудном шкафу были тарелки, лож­ки и вилки. 19. На кухне есть раковина? — Да. 20. В комнате есть пылесос? — Нет.


Упражнение 6.


He had to answer questions.     There is a table in the room.

He was a teacher.                    There was a table in the room.

She is in the room.                   There are tables in the room.

He is happy.                             There were tables in the room.
was happy.


Упражнение 7.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык и запомните

town, city, district, street, avenue, lane, square, park, garden, road, crossing, car, bus, bus stop, trolley-bus, tram, bicycle, motorcycle, ve­hicle, train, air-plane, airport, building, shop, office, post-office, en­terprise, joint venture, plant, factory, station, school, institute, college, university, gym, swimming pool, bank, embankment, chemist's, kin­dergarten, hotel, monument, museum, market, department store, foun­tain, news-stall, bookstall, flowerbed, street lamp, passenger, crowd, theatre, cinema, sky, cloud, sun, star, moon, tree, bush, air, dog, cat, pram, river, sea, ocean, lake, white, black, yellow, green, orange, red, blue, violet, brown, grey, pink, silver, golden, small, big, large, tall, high, short, quick, fast, slow, loud, low, wide, narrow, long, square, bright, light, dark, easy, heavy, difficult, old, young, new, clean, dirty, cheap, expensive, busy, quiet, thick, thin, warm, hot, cold, beautiful, new, necessary, different, clever, brave, perfect, perfectly, quickly, slowly, work, translate, jump, repeat, ask, answer, watch, walk, rest, live, change, help, fulfil, clean, receive, play, wash


Упражнение 8.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык

1.I can work in this office well. 2. He is able to translate these sen­tences very well. 3. They can jump high in the gym. 4. She can repeat all long and short sounds. 5. We are allowed to watch TV in the kitch­en. 6. You may walk in this green park. 7. The teacher should ask different questions. 8. The pupils are able to answer the difficult questions. 9. You may change the flowers in the vase. 10. The boy may help them. 11. He must fulfil the necessary task. 12. The pupil should clean the dirty blackboard. 13. My mother is to receive the letter. 14. My sister has to wash the plates. 15. The children may play in the garden. 16. Their sons can play football very well. 17. This river is longer than that one. 18. That tree is the highest in this street. 19. This park is as beautiful as that one. 20. The more we translate the sentences the bet­ter we answer the questions.


Упражнение 9.

Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения

1. Он должен работать на этом большом совместном предпри­ятии. 2. Ей не следует прогуливаться вдоль этой узкой темной улицы. 3. Они могут наблюдать яркие звезды на синем небе. 4. Вы можете помочь почистить эту большую зеленую клумбу. 5. Я могу перевести этот короткий текст. 6. Мы можем ответить на этот вопрос. 7. Мой брат должен выполнить задачу. 8. Его сестра может помыть окна. 9. Эта девочка должна помочь тебе. 10. Ее муж может очень хорошо играть в футбол. 11. Этот автобус более комфортабельный, чем тот. 12. Этот переулок более узкий, чем тот. 13. Этот красивый проспект самый широкий в городе. 14. Этот перекресток самый оживленный в этом районе. 15. Это здание самое красивое на этой улице. 16. Этот преподаватель са­мый молодой в нашем институте. 17. Он самый известный музы­кант в городе. 18. Этот театр такой же красивый, как и тот. 19. Он может прыгать так же высоко, как и его брат. 20. Чем больше мы смотрим телевизор, тем больше информации мы получаем.


Упражнение 10.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содер­жащие личные формы глаголов и лексические указатели Present Indefinite

1. Sometimes he meets her near the school. 2. She cleans windows every month. 3.As a rule he translates texts very well. 4. My father always buys magazines in this news-stall. 5. He rarely helps his mother. 6. They often work in the garden. 7.I seldom write letters. 8. My brother doesn't often get good marks. 9. These books don't usually cost much.  10. They do not always bring textbooks.


Упражнение 11.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие личные формы глаголов и лексические указатели Past Indefinite

1. Yesterday he read this article in the newspaper. 2. They learnt the words yesterday. 3. They left this town many years ago. 4. A week ago I lost this book. 5. Last Sunday she spent much time in the swimming pool. 6. We bought a vacuum-cleaner last week. 7. Last year they built a small house. 8. My sister did not send that letter yesterday. 9. This book didn't cost so much two years ago. 10. They didn't write letters to me last month.


Упражнение 12.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие личные формы глаголов и лексические указатели Future Indefinite

1. Tomorrow they will meet him at the station. 2.I shall read this ar­ticle tomorrow. 3. My brother will leave this town in a week. 4. In a month this book will be more expensive. 5. He will play football in an hour. 6. Next month we shall buy a fridge. 7. She will write a letter next week. 8.I shan't see him tomorrow. 9. In an hour he will not translate the text. 10. They will not come to us next year.


Упражнение 13.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие личные формы глаголов группы Indefinite

1. Не buys magazines in this news-stall sometimes. 2. He lost his dog yesterday. 3. They will swim in this river next summer. 4.I usually answer the questions very well. 5. We bought a tape-recorder last year. 6. In a week she will bring me this book. 7. They don't often play com­puter games. 8.I didn't translate the text yesterday. 9. He doesn't of­ten help his mother. 10. They will not find that lane tomorrow.


Упражнение 14.

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык

1. Как правило, он работает в офисе. 2. Она всегда гуляет в этом парке. 3. Вчера он получил письмо. 4. Неделю назад моя сестра мыла окна. 5. Через два часа я буду смотреть телевизор. 6. Мой брат обычно покупает тетради и ручки. 7. Вчера я не повто­рял слова. 8. Утром я обычно не смотрю телевизор. 9. Несколько лет назад мой дед играл в футбол. 10. На прошлой неделе он чи­стил клумбу. 11. Вы купите эту картину завтра. 12. Он будет иг­рать в компьютерные игры завтра. 13. Мама отдыхала в саду час назад. 14. Они принесли диски на прошлой неделе. 15. Он встре­тил ее в офисе вчера. 16. Она всегда пишет сочинения хорошо. 17. Мы часто поем песни. 18. Мой папа всегда читает вечером газеты. 19. Иногда я играю в волейбол в спортивном зале. 20. Часто мы берем книги в библиотеке.


Упражнение 15.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык и запомните следу­ющие слова

food, bread, butter, sugar, salt, tea, coffee, juice, milk, cake, pie, sandwich, water, wine, beer, fruit, vegetables, apple, pear, plum, cher­ry, pineapple, orange, lemon, melon, watermelon, grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumber, cabbage, carrot, beet, onion, garlic, mustard, vin­egar, pepper, sour cream, ice-cream, sweets, soup, porridge, egg, meat, pork, beef, lamb, chicken, clothes, dress, skirt, shirt, blouse, trousers, anorak, coat, raincoat, suit, scarf, tie, shoes, boots, sandals, hat, cap, fur coat, slippers, trainers, T-shirt, pants, socks, stockings, tights, sweat­er, pullover, shorts, pocket, gloves, mittens, pair, winter, spring, sum­mer, autumn, fall, morning, evening, afternoon, night, Sunday, Mon­day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday


Упражнение 16.

Задайте общие, разделительные вопросы к предложениям

1. Yesterday you ate a pineapple. 2. Не usually drinks coffee in the morning. 3. Some years ago my grandfather grew grapes. 4. Your moth­er brought bread and butter an hour ago. 5. We shall eat soup in an hour. 6.       They often walk in this park. 7. You may ask questions. 8. The pu­pils can answer questions very well. 9. He will be there in a minute.10. In summer children will eat some fruit.


Упражнение 17.

Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам, используя указан­ные в скобках вопросительные слова

1. Не brought a big watermelon from the shop (what). 2. They will come on Tuesday at half past four (who). 3. Yesterday I ate porridge with milk (when). 4. He can run very quickly (how). 5. His mother gave him an apple and a sandwich (whom). 6. Her blouse is blue (whose). 7. In autumn my brother usually puts on a warm red anorak (what, what co­lour). 8. They will go for a walk in an hour (when). 9. We have got five pears in the bag (how many). 10. You have got some money in the pocket (how much).


Упражнение 18.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык

I usually get up at seven o'clock. Sometimes I do my morning exer­cises. I always clean my teeth and take a shower. For my breakfast I drink tea or coffee and eat some porridge as a rule. I always go to my office by bus. I usually come back late in the evening. Sometimes I go shopping. As a rale I buy some bread, butter, fruit and vegetables. In the evening I often read newspapers and rarely watch TV. I usually go to bed at 11 o'clock.


Упражнение 19.

Переведите вопросительные предложения на английский язык

1. У тебя есть сестра? 2. У его брата были эти диски? 3. Она студентка? 4. Много слов в предложении? 5. В посудном шкафу были чашки, не так ли? 6. Должен я отвечать на вопросы? 7. Могу я помочь вам? 8. Ты вчера переводил текст? 9. На следующей не­деле вы будете покупать холодильник? 10. Когда ты обычно вста­ешь? 11. Что ты, как правило, ешь на завтрак? 12. Почему вы не повторяли слова? 13. Какого цвета тот свитер? 14. Какие оценки ты получил вчера? 15. Ты пьешь кофе или чай утром? 16. Ты лю­бишь фрукты, не так ли? 17. Кто обычно помогает вашей маме? 18. Кто ходит за покупками в вашей семье? 19. Сколько денег у вас? 20. Какие книги вы читаете?


Упражнение 20.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык и запомните следующие слова

exam, examination, lecture, lesson, term, test, credit-test, classes, inhabitant, gateway, church, exhibition, custom-house, goods, fortress, war, truth, higher, secondary, final, military, foreign, multistorey, native, attend, pass, visit, call, introduce, set up, replace, nickname, destroy, liberate, restore, take part, enlarge, locate, include, connect, in­vite, enter, graduate from, stay, together, successfully, each other, here, there, at home


Упражнение 21.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие формы глаголов Present Indefinite Passive

1. This museum is usually visited by me with great interest. 2. The com­position about the holidays is always written by the pupils. 3. The letters are often written by him with a pencil. 4. The words are repeated by the pupils every day. 5. As a rule the exams are passed by him successfully.


Упражнение 22.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие формы глаголов Past Indefinite Passive

1. Our native city was destroyed by the fascists. 2. In February 1945 Rostov-on-Don was liberated. 3. Many years ago the streets were re­stored. 4. The embankment was enlarged long ago. 5. The fortress was set up in 1761.


Упражнение 23.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие формы глаголов Future Indefinite Passive

1. This lecture will be attended by the students next week. 2. The fi­nal school exams will be passed by me in two months. 3. Tomorrow the questions will be asked by the teacher. 4. The questions will be answered by him tomorrow. 5. The multistorey house will be built by them in a year.


Упражнение 24.

Замените формы глаголов Indefinite Passive формами глаголов Indefinite Active

1. The examinations were seldom passed by him well. 2. This text is usually translated by the students with the help of the teacher. 3. That book was read by my friends with great interest. 4. My sister will be waited by her friend after classes next Monday. 5. New copybooks were bought by her yesterday. 6. Secondary school will be finished by him in a year.

7.  We are often met by him near the school. 8. Museums and exhibitions
are often visited by our family. 9. Saturdays and Sundays are never spent
by them at home. 10. The library was rarely visited by this pupil last year.


Упражнение 25.

Замените формы глаголов Indefinite Active формами глаголов Indefinite Passive.

1. My relatives often spend much time together. 2. He usually teaches mathematics at school. 3. They visited a museum last Sunday. 4. Helen will meet her friend near the University tomorrow. 5. I will introduce my new friends to the parents tomorrow. 6. People set up a custom­house for the examination of foreign goods in 1749. 7. The fortress re­placed the custom-house in 1761. 8. The inhabitants usually nickname the Don River as "Father Don". 9. People always call Rostov-on-Don the gateway to the Caucasus. 10. They will restore that church next year.


Упражнение 26.

Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам, используя указан­ные в скобках вопросительные слова

1. The secondary school was finished by her last year (by whom). 2. Sometimes the exams are passed by him successfully (how). 3. He will be often sent to Moscow (where). 4. Gorky Street was named Sennaya Street many years ago (what). 5. The composition was written by the girl last week (when). 6. My brother always studies well at school (how). 7. People in the west do not usually live together with their parents (who). 8. We didn't meet each other on weekends (when). 9. Last month we lived in the country (where). 10. He will go to the theatre tomorrow (when).


Упражнение 27.

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык

1. Каждый день учащиеся ходят в лицей. 2. Каникулы начнутся через неделю. 3. Десять лет назад он учился в школе. 4. Он не будет учиться в университете в следующем году. 5. Эти учащиеся иногда не посещают уроки. 6. Они не прогуливались в парке в прошлое воскресенье. 7. Он обычно пьет кофе утром? 8. Она купила хлеб? 9. Будете ли вы отвечать на вопросы? 10. Что они делали вчера? 11.     Сочинения о каникулах всегда пишутся учащимися с большим интересом. 12. Много лет назад эта крепость была восстановлена. 13. Набережная будет расширена через год. 14. Вчера письмо не было ею написано. 15. Иногда лекции не посещаются им. 16. Этот экзамен не будет им сдаваться. 17. Вы обычно встречаетесь друг с другом по воскресеньям? 18. Были твои новые друзья представлены родителям? 19. Будет ли эта церковь восстановлена в следующем году? 20. Как называют часто реку Дон?


Упражнение 28.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык и запомните следующие слова

(railway) station, country, world, east, west, south, north, grass, por­ter, (alarm)clock, wind, fog, ticket, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, snake, hunter, stone, morning exercises, whole, move, rain, snow, dance, wait, cook, describe, carry, prepare, kill, get up


Упражнение 29.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие формы глаголов Present Continuous Active

Не is getting up at 7 o'clock.

At 7.05 he is doing his morning exercises.

At 7.25 he is having breakfast.

At 8.30 he is sitting at the lesson.

At 17.00 he is doing his homework.

At 19.00 he is shopping.

At 20.00 he is having dinner.

At 20.30 he is watching TV.

At 22.00 he is going to bed.


Упражнение 30.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие формы глаголов Continuous Passive

1. The composition is being written by the girl now. 2. The cake was being cooked by my mother all evening yesterday. 3. At the moment the pictures are being described by the pupils. 4. The heavy bags were be­ing carried by the porter at that moment. 5. All the districts of our city are being connected by bus-lines at present. 6. The words were being repeated by the girl all morning yesterday. 7. The questions are being asked by the relatives now. 8. The questions are being answered by the doctor now. 9. The dinner was being prepared by my sister from 5 till 6 o'clock in the evening yesterday. 10. The grass is being cut now in the garden.


Упражнение 31.

Замените формы глаголов Continuous Active формами глаголов Continuous Passive, если это возможно

1. The teacher is speaking English now. 2. The pupils are reading the book at the moment. 3. He was writing this exercise from 5 till 6 o'clock yesterday. 4. At the moment the man is waiting for her. 5. The woman is listening to the radio now. 6. The family is watching TV at this moment. 7. They will be eating some fruit all summer next year.

8.         He will be visiting this museum the whole morning tomorrow. 9. We
will be sitting on the grass the whole day tomorrow. 10. The boy will be
playing football from 5 till 7 o'clock next day.


Упражнение 32.

Замените формы глаголов Continuous Passive формами глаголов Continuous Active

1. The supper was being cooked by the mother at that moment. 2. TV was being watched by them. 3. A letter is being written by the boy at 6 o'clock.4. A beautiful girl is being described by him. 5. A heavy box is being carried by the workers. 6. The classes are being attended by the students all the term. 7. The exams were being passed by him at the end of the term. 8. The Don river is being nicknamed by Rostovites "Fa­ther Don". 9. At that moment the custom-house was being replaced by the fortress. 10. The test was being written by them the whole morning yesterday.


Упражнение 33.

Замените формы глаголов Continuous Active формами глаголов Indefinite Active

1. It is raining now. 2. It is snowing at the moment. 3. Boris is wash­ing his hands at this moment.4. The alarm clock is ringing now. 5. You were wearing a beautiful white dress all morning yesterday. 6. They were dancing in the garden all evening yesterday.7. The wind was blowing from the west from morning till night yesterday.8. It was snowing the whole day yesterday. 9. All morning tomorrow Ann will be waiting for Nick. 10. The cars will be running along this street tomorrow.


Упражнение 34.

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык

1. Он сейчас сдает экзамен. 2. В данный момент я представляю своих новых друзей родителям. 3. В настоящее время они не работают на этом совместном предприятии. 4. Все утро вчера мы работали в саду. 5. Где ты работаешь сейчас? 6. Они переводили вчера статью весь вечер. 7. Целый месяц в прошлом году он не посещал лекции. 8. Что ты делал все утро вчера? 9. Завтра утром мы будем плавать в бассейне. 10. Весь месяц в следующем году мы будем посещать эти занятия. 11. В будущем мы будем выращивать виноград. 12. Что ты будешь делать завтра вечером? 13. В данный момент статья переводится ими при помощи словаря. 14. В настоящее время журналы покупаются им в этом киоске. 15. Сейчас эти занятия посещаются многими студентами. 16. Какой текст переводится сейчас студентами? 17. Всю прошлую неделю занятия посещались разными преподавателями. 18. Весь прошлый год строился этот дом. 19. Весь месяц билеты продавались. 20. Где весь месяц продавались эти билеты?


Упражнение 35.

before: Don't come before 6 o'clock. — He приходите до 6 часов. after. Come at any time after 5 o'clock. — Приходите в любое

время после 5 часов. until, till: We waited for them until 8 o'clock. — Мы ждали их до 8


We'll stay here till September. — Мы останемся здесь до

сентября. during: I woke three times during the night. — Я просыпался З раза

в течение ночи.

for. for 5 daysв течение 5 дней since: since Monday — с понедельника


Упражнение 36.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие формы глаголов Perfect Active

1.I have just seen this film. 2. He has already read this book. 3. The rain hasn't stopped yet. 4. They have not come yet. 5.I have never been to the USA. 6. Have you ever been to France? 7.I have worked there since 1997. 8. He will have come there by 7 o'clock. 9. She had fin­ished her work when we came in. 10. Ann has recently lost his telephone number.


Упражнение 37.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие формы Perfect Passive

1. The letters have already been written by her. 2. The film has just been seen by us. 3. These books have never been read by him. 4. Her work has not been finished yet. 5. The house will have been built by this summer. 6. The article will have been prepared by the end of this week. 7. The sentences will have been translated by the students by the end of the lesson. 8. The supper had already been prepared when we came. 9. When he came the classes had already been finished. 10. By 9 o'clock yesterday I had already sent all the letters.


Упражнение 38.

Замените формы глаголов Perfect Active формами глаголов Perfect Passive

1. They have just found an interesting book. 2. Ann will have writ­ten a new article by Monday. 3. Nelly had already invited us. 4. She has just made tea for all of us. 5. He has never told the truth. 6. Pete has not bought a new pair of trousers yet. 7.I have met the postman re­cently. 8. Nick has already shut the door. 9. Have you graduated from the university? 10. Have you finished the article?


Упражнение 39.

Замените формы глаголов Perfect Passive формами глаголов Perfect Active

1. The doctor has been seen by us there. 2. The salad will have been put by Mary on the plates by 6 o'clock. 3. Some water had been brought by Nick when we came into the house. 4. All the cakes have been just eaten by them. 5. A box of chocolates has been brought for her by him.

6.  The window had been opened by someone when we entered the room. 7. The blackboard will have been cleaned by the pupil-on-duty by the end of the lesson. 8. The floor has already been cleaned by my sister. 9. The door has just been opened by my mother. 10. This tape-
recorder has been bought by us recently.


Упражнение 40.

Прочитайте, переведите на русский язык и сравните


I have just met our teacher. We have already seen this film. Bob has never been to London. The rain has not stopped yet. My grandfather has written an article recently. I met her in the morning. We saw this film last Friday. He was there last year. The rain stopped 10 minutes ago. He wrote an article in 1999.

 Упражнение 41.

Замените формы глаголов Perfect Active (Passive) формами гла­голов Past Indefinite Active (Passive)

1. I have not translated this text yet. 2. We have just watched TV. 3. My grandfather has played football recently. 4. This picture has al ready been bought. 5.I have never played computer games. 6. She had already written a composition. 7. The windows will have been cleaned by my sister by Saturday. 8. The words have already been written down in the notebook. 9. The snake has just been killed. 10.I have just opened the door.


Упражнение 42.

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя формы глаголов группы Perfect действительного и страдательного залогов

1. Мы только что посмотрели интересный фильм. 2. Я еще не прочитал эту книгу. 3. Моя мама уже приготовила завтрак. 4. Мой брат недавно написал статью. 5. Когда он пришел, его сестра уже помыла пол. 6. Вчера к шести часам вечера я сделал домашнее задание. 7. Она купит новое платье к празднику. 8. Институт бу­дет закончен мною к следующему году. 9. Сочинения были напи­саны ко вторнику. 10. Предложения уже переведены мною.


Упражнение 43.

Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя формы глаголов группы Indefinite, Continuous,Perfect действительного и страдательного залогов

1. Прошлым летом мы ели много фруктов. 2. С двух до пяти он сидел в своей комнате. 3. Я давно видел этот фильм. 4. Как вы написали проверочную работу? 5. Он уже забыл ее. 6. Об этом человеке много говорят сейчас. 7. Его нигде не видели на про­шлой неделе. 8. В следующем месяце я буду посещать эти заня­тия. 9. Она закончит письмо через полчаса. 10. Когда вы пели эту песню? 11. Мы недавно купили стиральную машину. 12. Весь день идет дождь. 13. Мы редко встречаем друг друга. 14. Мой брат все­гда хорошо учился в школе. 15. Как правило, экзамены сдавались им успешно. 16. Хлеб был куплен моим братом. 17. Он обычно ездит в лицей на автобусе. 18. Иногда мы смотрим телевизор на кухне. 19. Как правило, музей посещается многими студентами. 20. Завтра его встретят на вокзале.


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